In the wake of the Delhi High Court blast, Bollywood actor John Abraham feels the government needs to pull up its socks and
find a solution for terrorism. He has also urged the people to be active and vigilant at such times.
"If you look at what happened in Delhi and what happened in Mumbai sometime back - I hope the government is doing what
they can and they should in such times, " said John who featured in 2009 film "New York" which was about post-9/11
prejudices in the US.
"Our government needs to pull up their socks. But people of India and also the government should understand it is not a joke,
it is a very serious issue. We as individuals have to be very vigilant, " he told reporters here.
The 38-year-old actor also feels it's high time for the government to take a stand as the Wednesday blast killed 13 people and
injured over 90.
"After the 9/11 incident, not a single blast has taken place in America. The level of security that they have now is remarkable.
Probably natural calamities like hurricanes have hit them but nothing destructive from the terrorism point of view.
"The same way our government and our people need to put across the point very clearly and take a stand - that we won't take
any nonsense like this again, " John said.
"The person who suffers is the only one who feels the misery of such incidents. But if you look around, people today have
become insensitive in a way, " he said.
Monday, September 12, 2011 11:15 IST