Bollywood superstar Priyanka Chopra, set to start a new innings as singer in her debut international music album, is taking
vocal lessons to fit into her new role.
"Yes, I am taking vocal lessons. I have been an actor all these years and now because I am singing I had to take vocal
lessons and I am doing lot of vocal work, " said Priyanka while addressing a programme of 'Blender's Pride Fashion Tour
Asked whether she had any plan to lend her voice for Hindi movies also, the national award winning actress said: "Right now I
don't have any such plans. Right now I am focusing on my international album for the time being."
The Bollywood style icon is also a trained western music singer. She has recently signed a worldwide recording agreement
with Universal Music and Desi Hits to record and release her first international music album in 2012.
"The album is going to be pop music and I need lot of support from India. India has lot of talent and potential in the creative
front... This is not only an opportunity for me but is an opportunity for India to become international, " said Priyanka.
Monday, September 12, 2011 11:34 IST