Bollywood diva Priyanka Chopra Saturday said she idolizes yesteryear Hollywood icons Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn
when it comes to fashion and style.
"In Hindi films I always used to like Mumtaz and in Hollywood films I always loved Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. I
really liked them a lot, " said Priyanka while addressing a programme of 'Blender's Pride Fashion Tour 2011'.
Priyanka, however, had a word of advice for young clothes, as far as dressing was concerned.
"I always want to tell the young girls that they should find out the dress that they are comfortable and that suits their
personality. They should not look at what big stars are wearing always try to find the dress in which you are comfortable, "
said Priyanka.
Monday, September 12, 2011 11:49 IST