Malayalam superstar Mammootty has produced a documentary asking people to shun liquor, and said he too would do so --
on the screen.
Mammotty's 40-second film with a message - Say No to Liquor and Say No to Drugs - was unveiled Thursday by Chief
Minister Oommen Chandy.
"I always try to avoid such scenes but at times it becomes imperative to do it because the situation demands it," Mammootty
said at the event.
"From now on I will do my best to avoid such scenes which depict liquor or liquor imposed scenes," added Mammootty, the
top actor of the Malayalam film industry for two decades.
Pointing to director Priyadarshan at the event, Mammootty said: "You have to ask people like him (Priyadarshan) because
they ask us to do this and that. But let me tell you, I will do my best to do away with such scenes."
Chandy said people should try to rid Kerala of the tag of being India's largest liquor consumer.
"Not long ago Kerala was known for the huge strides it made in literacy and its health status. But of late it has taken a back
seat and we are now known as the top liquor consuming state.
"This has to change. We hope that promotional material like this (Mammootty's documentary) will do us a world of good," the
chief minister said.
According to a report, liquor sales rose to all time high of Rs.6,730.30 crore in 2010-11 from Rs.5,539.85 crore in 2009-10.
Friday, September 16, 2011 12:37 IST