Bollywood actress-turned-filmmaker Pooja Bhat, who introduced Pakistani singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan in Bollywood with her 2004 movie "Paap", is now set to launch Mariyam Unoosha, a singer from the Maldives.
"After introducing Rahat Fateh Ali Khan to India through 'Man Ki Lagan' I will now unleash the sheer brilliance of Unoosha from the Maldives," Pooja posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
"Soon, Unoosha from the Maldives will create the same impact as Rahat did. This is not mere assumption. It is absolute conviction + belief," she added.
Rahat became a household name after singing "Man Ki Lagan" in John Abraham and Udita Goswami starrer.
Friday, September 16, 2011 17:41 IST