Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who received six stitches above his right eye earlier this month after an accident on a movie set, has now injured his left finger - during shooting for the same film.
"...I fractured my finger. It's what I would like to call a sympathy wound, " Abhishek posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Last time he got injured on the sets of "Bol Bachchan" in Jaipur and this time it happened when the 35-year-old was returning to his hotel room after shooting for the Rohit Shetty film.
Abhishek's father, megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who suffered a hairline rib fracture on the sets of "Department", tweeted: "My hairline fracture on rib has a companion - Mr Abhishek Bachchan. He has had a hairline
fracture on his finger on shoot in Jaipur for 'Bol Bachchan'."
"Was on his way to the hotel after pack up and the crew playing cricket hit a ball in his direction, which he tried to prevent from hitting his face and damaged his finger. Its got a fracture and he is in a splint and
bandage, but operational !!" further added the 68-year-old.
Monday, September 26, 2011 14:53 IST