Popular comedian Bill Cosby has landed plum in the middle of a shocking assault scandal after an unnamed
Canadian woman claimed he had sex with her after drugging her.
The woman, who has made a complaint to Toronto Police that has been passed to Philadelphia authorities to
investigate, said that Cosby had allegedly invited her to his home in Cheltenham near Philadelphia after
meeting her at a local restaurant last January, reported the Internet Media Database.
She alleged that Cosby gave her pills that made her dizzy after she complained of stress and tension.
The woman admitted that her memory about what happened next was fuzzy, but she recalled Cosby fondling
her, she said, claiming she awoke at about 4 a.m. the following morning with her clothing in disarray.
Cosby's accuser stated she didn't report the incident immediately because she was concerned it might affect
her standing at the Temple University, Philadelphia, where she worked.
Cosby has not been charged and his attorney Jack Schmitt insists his client is innocent: "The charges are
categorically false."
Meanwhile, Cosby cancelled a show in Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednesday night for "undisclosed personal
Tuesday, January 25, 2005 15:44 IST