Gorgeous Bollywood actor Dia Mirza and B-town hunk Zayed Khan were in Kolkata on Thursday to promote their upcoming film ‘Love Breakups Zindagi'.
"Both of us are excited. It was a wonderful experience to work in the film, " Dia Mirza said.
Directed by Sahil Sangha, the film is produced by Sangha along with the Dia Mirza and Zayed Khan.
"When we were shooting it was full of fun and enjoyment. We planned everything and then we went for shooting, " Mirza shared her experiences of shooting the film.
‘Love Breakups Zindagi' tries to find the answers related to love, breakups and life. The characters try to find personal truths, shed illusions, laugh, cry, grow up and learn the biggest lessons of all.
"Our film deals with today's life. It is all about experiencing the dynamic shades of relationships, " Zayed Khan said.
Dia Mirza also shared that in future she will like to direct films.
Gitanjali Group's diamond jewellery brand, Nakshatra announced the launch of an all new jewellery collection in the city on Thursday. The new collection was unveiled by Dia Mirza and Zayed Khan.
"I am glad to promote my movie through such an apt platform. ‘Love Breakups Zindagi' is about discovering the truth, shedding illusions, experiencing emotions and ultimately learning the biggest lesson of all.
Nakshatra is a brand which not only caters to us women with their jewellery but also helps celebrate the beauty of life, " Dia Mirza said.
Friday, September 30, 2011 11:47 IST