This October, India's leading Hindi movie channel Zee Cinema is all set to celebrate the phenomenon Amitabh Bachchan with the launch of a new campaign called ‘India's Coolest Baap'.
Come 9 PM, Saturday, October 8 and the channel will kickstart what promises to be a grand celebration of the Big B himself with the premiere of his latest release Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap.
Amitabh Bachchan's aura defies time and age. With ‘The Coolest Baap', tune in to Zee Cinema from 8 to 11 October as Zee Cinema pays a tribute to Amitabh Bachchan and traces the roles and films that have made Big B a living legend.
Big B is the undisputed godfather of Bollywood. He has been the face of Indian show business for over 4 decades.
Through his 4 decade-long career Amitabh Bachchan has had many titles - The angry young man, the megastar, the superstar of the millennium, one man industry – and one can never quite sum up the importance of the legend that he is.
He has survived the odds and time and again, proved that versatility is his middle name. Veterans dream of emulating him and his body of work is the almanac of Indian cinema.
The 360 degree marketing campaign that will be rolled out starting October 8 encompasses all mediums pan India – Print, On Air, Radio and Outdoors.
With an on-air countdown to Bachchan's birthday that starts with the premiere of Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap and the traditional on-air promos, Big B's birthday on October 11 will be celebrated in a grand way by the channel.
Amitabh Bachchan turns 69 on October 11 and completes 42 years in films on November 7.
On October 11, viewers will get to learn all about their favourite star with 69 unknown trivia that reveal interesting facets of the Superstar as they run all through the day on all electronic platforms.
Friday, October 07, 2011 14:12 IST