Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, known for her simple yet stylish wardrobe, has been given the title of India's Best Dressed by People magazine.
Annually, the magazine honours style icons with the Best Dressed edition. This year, Priyanka has featured on the cover of its India edition.
About being chosen as the face of People's special issue of India's Best Dressed for 2011, Priyanka said: "I'm excited because I never thought I would get this title."
Talking of the one style accessory she has at all times, she said: "I wear confidence."
The former Miss World will walk the ramp for Manish Malhotra at the Mercedes-Benz Best Dressed Show 2011 in Mumbai Saturday evening, in a celebration of the special issue of the magazine.
She will wear an Indo-Western creation.
"The Best Dressed show marks the coming together of the entertainment industry's most stylish people on one platform. My collection for the evening is my signature style of opulent glamorous Indian wear, " Malhotra
said in a statement.
Monday, October 10, 2011 13:12 IST