Actor Sonam Kapoor walked the Red Carpet at the unveiling of first look of reality show 'The Hunt for the Kingfisher Calendar
girl' on Thursday in Mumbai.
The first look of the reality show was unveiled by Dr Vijay Mallya, Chairman, United Breweries today at Mehboob Studios. Also
present on this occasion were the judges of the hunt Atul Kasbekar, Milind Soman and Ujwala Raut.
The third season of the show promises to be even more sizzling and sensational and what makes it even more excitingis that
the winner will score a perfect ten by being a part of the 10th edition of the Kingfisher Swimsuit Calendar.
experts -ace photographer Atul Kasbekar, top model and actor Milind Soman and ramp scorcher Ujjwala Raut are searching for
the girl with oomph, attitude and the perfect figure.
15 girls are chosen from the nation- wide hunt to compete
against each other and face the challenges set by the judges and prove that they are worthy of gracing the pages of the
celebrated calendar.
Friday, October 14, 2011 17:12 IST