Missing from Bollywood action for nearly ten years, filmmaker Shashilal Nair who last made the rather dubious Ek Chotisi Love
Story in 2002 before he left the country, is taken aback by recent reports in the press that one of his best-known films Angaar is
being bought for remake rights.
Now settled in London for nearly a decade Nair was tracked down from his selfimposed hiding to state that he has no plans of
selling Angaar or any of his films for a remake.
Says Nair, "I happen to be the film's co-producer and I've no knowledge of any such plans of transaction. A software company
Endemol was keen to remake Angaar and was chasing my office in Mumbai. But I am not too kicked by the idea of handing over
the remake rights to anyone who asks for it. "
Nair who is currently studying 5-dimensional filmmaking in London, says he is no mood to remake any of his films. "For some
years now I've been busy researching and studying 5-dimensional filmmaking. I'll be back in Mumbai to make another film. "
Shashilal Nair was at one time best friends with Jackie Shroff and made his best films (Falak, Angaar, Grahan 1 2 Ka 4) with
Jackie. The last film that Nair attempted to make in Mumbai was a new-age adaptation of Nabokov's Lolita which suffered when
Ram Gopal Varma made Nishabd based on the same subject of a much older man falling in love with a girl old enough to be his
Jackie apparently was unhappy and uncomfortable with the steamy scenes that he was forced to do for Nair's Lolita. The sex
strained the friendship. Nair was very also very close to Manisha Koirala. They fell out over her steamy scenes in Ek Chotisi
Love Story. Friendless in Bollywood Nair soon fled the country.
He lives in London with his family.
"But I'll be back soon. I am in and out of Mumbai anyway. As for Angaar, please leave it alone, " he warns.
Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:27 IST