Sakshi Tanwar, who worked in one of the longest running soaps on television, describes her appearance in the short story "Saraswati", in the 1990s Doordarshn show "Ehsaas", as her most carefree performance.
"It was a show called 'Ehsaas' and I did the story of 'Saraswati' and I would rate it as my most uninhibited performance. I had no clue about anything. I was just being the character. I talked non-stop in the show, "
Sakshi, who played an ideal daughter-in-law in "Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii" for eight years, told.
"From that time to now, it has been a long and fulfulling journey. Acting was something I hadn't planned. I wanted to be a civil servant and I did a three-and-a-half-year diploma in software engineering. I never thought that
my hobby will become my profession and something I would be proud of, " added the actress, whose new show "Bade Achche Lagte Hain" is getting good response from the viewers.
Asked about future plans, she quipped: "As far as plans are concerned, it's better I execute the plans that have been made for me by god."
Thursday, October 27, 2011 14:00 IST