Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's wish to work with Lady Gaga will finally come true when he shoots an exclusive tete-a-tete with the international pop icon on her forthcoming India tour.
Shah Rukh, who wanted to collaborate with Gaga for a song for his ambitious project "RA.One", will chat with her for an hour-long show on UTV Bindass.
The two popular figures will be in conversation about Gaga's life, career and her global fan following, among other other things. As many as 25 lucky fans or as Gaga says, 'monsters' will get a chance to witness the
show live, and even interact with her.
The show will be shown exclusively on UTV Bindass in November.
Gaga, famous for songs like "Poker Face" and "Born This Way", is flying to India to perform at the F1 after party of the Airtel Grand Prix of India. Her performance at the Jaypee Greens Golf and Spa Resort in Greater
Noida, will be on Oct 30.
Thursday, October 27, 2011 14:17 IST