Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone says her father, former badminton ace Prakash Padukone, should be considered for Bharat Ratna.
The 25-year-old model-turned actress has now joined the league of people who demand Bharat Ratna for famous personalities, pitching her father as a deserving person.
"As a daughter, I want my father to be honoured with the title of Bharat Ratna, considering his contribution to badminton throughout his career," Deepika told reporters.
The actress also said that her father, who was the first Indian to win the All England Championship, popularised the sport in the country.
Deepika was in town to promote her next film 'Desi Boyz', along with Akshay Kumar and Chitrangda Singh.
The film has been directed by debutant Rohit Dhawan, son of director David Dhawan and also stars John Abraham.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 13:14 IST