Reality shows in India number dime a dozen but a Mumbai-based firm has organised one not on television but on the internet
where the people will get to vote, of all things, for their best snack.
No brands involved here! The snacks have been placed in seven categories - popcorn, namkeen, samosa, burger, chips, panipuri
and "tedhimedi" that includes potato sticks and savouries like Kurkure.
The show runs for 15 days till Nov 29 on most of the popular social networking sites. There will be five rounds of voting and the
most loved snack will then be chosen, said Experience Commerce, the organisers.
"Snacks have given you pleasure when you most needed it. They have quelled the fire in your belly at odd hours, comforted you
in your worst hour. They have helped you treat friends and satiated your every sense selflessly."
The result will be revealed Nov 29.
"Snacking is a popular pass-time in India. It has its own fan following. We are not associating this show with any brand. It covers
popular snacks categories, " said Sandip Maiti, chief executive officer of Experience Commerce.
During these 15 days, there will be five rounds of voting, each for three days.
"The snack which garners the maximum support, or gets the maximum love, will be declared the winner, " Maiti said.
Each of these seven savouries has a huge "snack base" in India. "You can even follow these snacks on their personal facebook
profiles. You can also share their photos with friends and ask them to vote for your favourite snack."
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 13:19 IST