"The Aviator" star Leonardo DiCaprio is stunned to have received a lifetime achievement award at the mere age
of 30.
The actor, who shot to fame with "Titanic", was presented the Platinum Award at the 20th Santa Barbara
International Film Festival in recognition of his "exceptional career", said imdb.com.
DiCaprio was quoted as saying: "It's a lifetime achievement award, which is completely and utterly surreal,
given I'm only 30 years old.
"But, you know, what has it been? Almost 17 years now. I've done quite a few films. This is what I really love
doing. It's what I want to do."
DiCaprio, who once appeared in the soap opera "Santa Barbara", made his first film "Critters 3" in 1991.
Thursday, February 03, 2005 17:03 IST