Karan Johar tweeted about his experience during the shoot of ‘Student Of The Year' in Dehradun and said that the shooting
schedule in the town was over.
Now the team of ‘Student Of The Year' is heading towards Simla, which is their next scheduled destination. He concluded by
stating – "nothing ventured, nothing gained"! This in simple word means, it is necessary to take risks in order to achieve
something in life.
Karan Johar's ‘Student of the Year' is coming out in the summer of 2012 and has been in news since it was first announced.
Starring Aliya Bhatt, Siddharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan, this is for the first time Karan Johar is making a film with a new star
cast and it can't get any better than this!
Karan Johar's Tweet: "Last day in Dehradun...now enroute to Simla...it's been an exhausting shoot!!! But nothing ventured
nothing gained...I suppose!!"
Monday, November 21, 2011 13:30 IST