Model-turned-actress Nargis Fakhri, who made her Bollywood debut with "Rockstar", may be named the global face of luxury car brand Jaguar Land Rover from the house of Tata Motors.
The actress unveiled the Range Rover Evoque in the capital Friday, but no formal announcement of her association was made.
Nargis was also named the brand ambassador of apparel brand Van Heusen Woman and she is also said to have clocked a deal with haircare brand Parachute.
"The industry's response to Nargis has been phenomenal. She is getting the best offers in terms of films and endorsements, and this is just the beginning, " said an industry source.
Nargis played Ranbir Kapoor's love interest in "Rockstar".
Monday, November 21, 2011 14:52 IST