Actor Deepika Padukone has managed to turn heads with her sizzling chemistry on display with Akshay Kumar and John Abraham in her upcomming flick Desi Boyz.
Deepika Padukone shared a candid conversation with trade analyst Komal Nahta on the show ETC Bollywood Business.where she said she is ready to do a film with singer-actor-filmmaker Himesh Reshamiya.
Talking about her professional career, Deepika said, "I got my first film offer two years before Om Shanti Om.
I had decided, I would never do two things; firstly work in a music video and secondly participate
for Miss. India. However, I accepted Himesh Reshamiya's ‘Naam hai tera tera" album, as Himesh's songs were a rage at that time.
Farah Khan noticed me in that video and casted me for Om Shanti Om.
"Farah gave me a perfect launch in Bollywood. After doing a movie like Om Shanti Om...I use to wonder ‘iske baad main kya karugi'..."
Deepika is not one to forget favors, it seems.
"If I get an offer to do a film opposite Himesh Reshamiya, I would accept it."said Deepika.
Clarifying her catfight rumors over a pink dress with Chitrangada, Deepika said, "I don't think we had such movie budget constrains that me and Chitrangada had to fight over a dress.
In fact, there was no
pink dress in the movie.
As a matter of fact, when I reached London for my shoot, Chitrangada had already done with her scenes and left. Even our looks in the movie is completely different.
"Even professionally we do different kind of movies...our spaces are different. Such rumors create awkwardness with the person."
Expressing her point of view to such media behaviour, Deepika said, "There is no need to react to such rumors. People read and forget about what is written in the media. My work should speak for me."
Monday, November 21, 2011 14:58 IST