Telugu actor-director accuses Khiladi Kumar of stealing his idea for his next based on a reality show
A Telugu actor is claiming that Akshay Kumar has stolen his idea of making a film based on a reality show.
Aditya Om is not a name that will ring a bell.
But Aditya, who is also a writer-director, is claiming that he was shocked to know that Khiladi Kumar's project is based on a
concept he registered with the Writers' Association on November 18.
"People may think that I am trying to garner publicity because a star is involved. But I want the truth to be out, " says Aditya.
He alleges that just three days after he had the concept registered, he sees his own film's story being produced by a star!
"How is this possible? I know whose handiwork this is. But I can't cast aspersions at this stage.
I have been working on the concept of a murder happening in a reality show house for the past several months. And within three
days of its registration, I see the story out!"
Aditya further claims that he had been speaking to project designers about his concept. He feels someone might have leaked it
"I am hurt by the happenings. I have already registered a complaint with the Writers' Association. Let's see what action is
He does not want to dismiss it as a mere coincidence. Akshay remained unavailable for comment.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 15:33 IST