South actress Ameesha Yadav has threatened to undertake a nude Slutwalk March or Besharmi Morcha in Mumbai if the Reality Show Veena Ka Swayamvar is aired by the general entertainment channel Imagine.
Speaking to this reporter Ameesha Yadav – a member of the Indian Artistes and Actors Forum said, "Our forum has decided not to allow the telecast of the show. We have planned different methods of protest against the show.
Some models and myself have decided to undertake a nude, silent Slutwalk March or Besharmi Morcha if the show is aired by Imagine."
The Indian Artistes and Actors Forum (IAAF) had announced earlier that it will not allow the telecast of the Veena Malik ka Swayamvar Swayamvar Reality Show on General Entertainment Channel Imagine.
Flynn Remedios, publicist and spokesperson for the IAAF said that the IAAF – a representative body of actors and artistes is not against any one individual in particular.
"We are against this trend of selecting foreign artistes for common roles in Indian television and films. Thousands of Indian girls go through hell trying to get a bit role in a TV serial or a film. These production houses and channels must understand the sentiments and feelings of thousands of Indian artistes and actors.
Veena Malik is no great or unique actor or artiste. She is merely an item girl and starlet and is very much replaceable by so many Indian artistes. What is the USP that Veena Malik brings to the show, except for the fact that she is non-Indian. The channel is trying to stir up controversy and increase their own TRPs.
We will teach them a lesson that they won't forget. We will not damage their office or protest like some others have done. We will ask all patriotic Indians and Indian companies to stop watching or supporting Imagine and all other shows on the particular channel and this show in particular. This is our action plan for now.
We will also approach the courts at a later date if the channel does not relent, " said Flynn Remedios, adding, "Right now we have over 200 members supporting this agitation from among artistes, junior artistes and actors all over India.
Our forum is open to all actors and artistes including singers, dancers, junior artistes, etc from India. Each day we have more and more people coming forward in support of this cause."
Ameesha Yadav did not specify in which city the nude, silent Slutwalk March will be held, but added that "they are considering various options. We will go ahead with our plan once the channel officially announces the dates of the show."
Thursday, November 24, 2011 11:39 IST