Bollywood star Aamir Khan Wednesday said the issue of malnutrition is "foremost" to him and that there is a lot be done to tackle the problem which is severely affecting children all over the country.
"I realize there is a lot to be done and I hope that by lending my voice I can make a difference to the lives of children and thereby to the future of our country, " Aamir told reporters here after being appointed as
UNICEF's brand ambassador to promote nutrition for children.
"This issue is foremost to me and I hope this initiative is successful, " he added.
The nationwide campaign, which plans to reach millions of children in the country, would use popular mediums like TV, newspapers, radio, paintings and collaboration with the Anganvadi scheme for maximum
"If a newborn child is not physically and mentally healthy, we start on a bad foot, " said the 46-year-old star who has been attached to the cause for the past year.
"I have worked with UNICEF, government, ad filmmaker Prasoon Joshi and the citizen's alliance against malnutrition -- a group of MP's from various political outfits on the issue, " said Aamir known for his films like
"Taare Zameen Par", "Ghajini" and "3 Idiots".
UNICEF representative in India, Karin Hulshof, appreciating Khan's commitment towards the cause and kids said: "India is an emerging superpower but rights of children remain to be fulfilled. With Aamir's help we can
reach out to more parents and children."
Thursday, December 01, 2011 11:00 IST