Though actor Aarya Babbar has been seen sporting the unkempt bhai look in most of his films, he believes in dressing well in real life. The actor shares his wardrobe must- haves with CS:
Linen jackets
You can team them up with shirts, tees or undershirts to get a formal or semi-formal look. I have them in all basic colours like black, blue and white. I feel that jackets are a must-have for every man, and not just biker
Slim fit shirt
It's very important to get a shirt which fits your body really well. A crisp white shirt with a good pair of trousers or denims is all you need to shine at a party or formal do.
I believe that your shoes must always be clean as a man is judged by his shoes. I own pairs in black and white, as well as ones in red and green to go with my denims.
A black suit
Every man needs an elegant black suit and a perfect tie to go with it. If you want to get noticed at a party, a great suit is the perfect attire for you. I feel that tailoring is a better option than buying one. You get the right
fit in a tailor-made suit.
I love wearing denims and tees. But you must make sure that your jeans fit you really well. You can wear them to any event as long as you have the attitude to carry it off. I only love shades of blue in denims, anything
else is an aberration!
I feel that a man's wardrobe is incomplete without some good belts. They make for great accessories, and can liven up a boring outfit. Coloured belts can jazz up your denims or plain trousers, but make sure that the
colours aren't over the top.
Thursday, December 01, 2011 11:49 IST