South Indian superstar Suriya Saturday said regional cinema had potential for success across the country, in the same manner
in which 'Tanglish' song 'Why this Kolaveri di' has become the contemporary chant of the nation.
Suriya, who has starred in blockbusters like "Ghajini" (in Tamil) and the Tamil version of "Singam" was speaking as the chief
guest at the concluding ceremony of the 42nd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) at Panaji.
"Regional cinema is not getting focus. Most of the West thinks that Indian cinema is Hindi cinema," Suriya said.
"Regional cinema has the potential to build bridges across regions and cultures... Kolaveri di plays in all the FM stations across
India," Suriya said.
The actor also lamented the fact that "Indian cinema was synonymous with Hindi cinema to the western world" and that not
much attention was being paid to correct this portrayal.
"Multiplexes should show regional cinema with English subtitles. With nearly 50 percent of India living in urban areas and
knowing to speak English. This must be done to popularise regional cinema across the country," Suriya said.
Monday, December 05, 2011 12:09 IST