Aamir Khan and wife Kiran Rao welcomed their baby boy on December 1. The impending arrival of the baby was well-guarded
What can easily be called the most well-kept secret, Aamir Khan and wife Kiran became proud parents of a baby boy on December 1.
The fact that the star declared the happy news with great pride and honesty is
quite laudable.
The baby was born through IVF - surrogacy. Announcing the news yesterday, Aamir sent us a letter, which states, "It gives us the greatest joy to share with you the good news of the birth of our baby boy.
This baby is especially dear to us because he was born to us after a long wait and some difficulty.
Due to medical complications, we were advised to have a baby through IVF - surrogacy and we feel very grateful to the
Almighty that everything has gone well.
We are humbled by the greatness of God, the miracles of science, and the kindness and love of our families and friends in being there for us while respecting our privacy.
The letter and the box of chocolates that accompanied it
We seek your good wishes and blessings for our child." Aamir, from his first marriage. has two children, Junaid (18) and Ira (11).
Tuesday, December 06, 2011 14:48 IST