When Pooja Misrra intimidated Siddharth Bhardwaj in the Bigg Boss House, claiming that women's organizations are taking out
morchas" (public demonstrations) against him in the outside world, the subject raised quite a lot of eyebrows.
So when a Vodafone Caller of the Week asked Sanjay Dutt to take up the matter with her, Sanju Baba was more than glad to
oblige. In her reply on the show, Pooja told Sanjay that women's organizations had approached her to fight against her "unfair
expulsion" from the show, and she guessed "they would have also carried out the ‘morchas' they wanted to bring out."
But many missed out the full version of the story, which celebrity publicist and Bigg Boss specialist Dale Bhagwagar had already
put up on the social media circuit a few hours before Pooja's explanation on the show.
On his social media accounts, Dale posted: "There were these women groups who wanted to demonstrate outside Colors office
and they had got in touch with Pooja Misrra for the same.
But I advised her to focus on getting back on the show,
rather than things like morchas. They (the women groups) wanted her to take part in the morchas, but I was completely against
her participation. Pooja is a sensible and intelligent girl.
Am glad she understood my point and heeded the advice. I
don't know if the groups finally organized the morchas or not".
It can be noted here that, Pooja had consulted Dale for tips and tricks of survival on Bigg Boss before she entered the reality
show. Dale was also labeled her ‘guerrilla publicist' when he began defending her actions in the media, while Pooja was in the
House, and targeted by almost all the Housemates.
This is also a reason why Pooja was constantly in touch with the PR expert even after returning from the House and even asked
him to negotiate her deal, when she was approached for a re-entry as a special guest on Bigg Boss.
Monday, December 12, 2011 14:56 IST