"Juhi Parmar will win the current season of Bigg Boss, " predicts well known astro-numerologist Bhavikk Sangghvi. The young astrologer made this prediction on Juhi's 31st birthday on December 14.
Here's how he explains his theory: "Juhi was born on December 14, 1980, which makes her a Number 5 (Mercury) in numerology. Like all Sagittarians, she is ruled by Number 3 (Jupiter) while her ‘destiny' number adds up to Number 8 (Saturn), " explains Bhavikk.
"Juhi completes 31 years and has now entered the 32nd year of her life which indicates that her best phase is about to begin, " predicts Bhavikk, sounding optimistic about the television star's future.
He continues, "The grand finale episode of the show will be aired on January 7, 2012 which falls on a Saturday which is a day ruled primarily by Number 8 (Saturn).
During this phase, the Sun will be in the zodiac sign of Capricorn (which is also ruled by Saturn – Number 8) and the compound number (sum total) arrived from this date is Number 4 (Rahu). The name ‘Juhi Parmar' vibrates on Number 31 (3+1=4)".
"The upcoming year 2012 which adds up to Number 5 (Mercury) is likely to prove lucky for most Number 5 and Number 8 people and in that case, once again simply by analyzing her numbers, all I can say is – Juhi is ‘destined' to win the reality show, " signs off Bhavikk keeping his fingers crossed!
Thursday, December 15, 2011 11:09 IST