British actor Ben Kingsley, 61, has filed for divorce from his third wife Alexandra after seeing photos of the
German beauty with her new boyfriend.
Last month, German tabloid BZ published images of Alexandra, 30, kissing estate agent Sammy Brauner,
41, the son of a German movie producer, reported
Kingsley was quoted as saying: "It came at a very, very vulnerable time for me and I was deeply, deeply
shocked because until then I had no idea.
"It's very difficult for a man to learn on the Internet that his wife has a new boyfriend.
"Tragically I had to file for divorce. I love her and I don't know what the future holds. What can I say? I'm very
hurt. I'm feeling terrible disappointment and grief."
Kingsley met his third wife in 2002 when he was attending the Berlin film festival. They wed in September
Tuesday, February 08, 2005 12:27 IST