Actor Nikhil Dwivedi got injured while shooting at Chandni Chowk area here for Vikram Bhatt's "Hate Story" and suffered a fracture in his right hand.
A member from the unit revealed that Nikhil was supposed to jump from one rooftop to another and then jump to the ground, where he was set for a collision with a cyclist. But the timing of the collision went wrong and
he fell to the ground.
"When I fell on the ground, I heard a sound and I was sure that I have fractured my hand, " Dwivedi said in a statement.
"Hate Story" is being written and produced by filmmaker Vikram Bhatt and is being directed by Vivek Agnihotri, who has previously made films like "Chocolate" and "Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal".
The film also stars Bengali actress Paoli Dam.
Friday, December 16, 2011 12:54 IST