For the second time in his directorial career Dibakar Bannerjee has decided to delay his film's release and shoot extra, even at the cost of losing his precious release date.
Dibakar's Shanghai was all set for a Jan 26 release. But then the director saw the wisdom of revising his narration, and that too quite radically. He will now be shooting extra scenes with Abhay Deol.
Explains the director, "It is not just cosmetic additions to the screenplay. The extra shooting considerably alters the mood and the content of the narrative. "
Tell him it is a very unusual practice, and Dibakar expresses surprise. "But I've done it in the past as well! Finished a film and then revised and added footage to the narration.
After completing the entire
shooting and post-production of Oye Lucky Lucky Oye I had summoned Abhay again and shot extra scenes. I've done the same again this time.
You see, sometimes after you think you've completed your
film and you look at in totality you find you've missed out on something vital. "
Dibakar admits the additional footage being shot for Shanghai would entail extra expenditure and a delay in release. "We will miss our January 26 release. But that's okay. The important thing is to take every film as
close to what you had envisaged it in your mind rather than be blindly true to your screenplay and put a lid on the project even if it looks unfinished to you. "
Monday, December 19, 2011 13:16 IST