Bollywood actor Imran Khan, who shot in Las Vegas with Kareena Kapoor for "Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu", wants to go back to the city
to chill out with his friends.
"I am coaxing all my friends to take off for a week and head to Las Vegas. I really had a blast shooting 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu' with
Kareena and Shakun (Batra) in Las Vegas. We were shooting around this time last year and the place had a fantastic feel and
vibe to it, " said Imran in a press statement.
The actors shot in Las Vegas for the romantic comedy for 30 days, says a source. And since Imran likes to explore the city he is
shooting in, he started visiting places beyond the regular tourist hangout joints.
After the shoot, he even stayed back for a week to enjoy the city as a tourist.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 12:45 IST