According to latest reports India's biggest reality show Bigg Boss will let one out of three selected contestants, enter the House
of Scandal as a Wild Card Entry this week.
It is said that the names of the contestants would be announced on the show, and one amongst the three will go in, depending
on whom the public votes the most. The speculated names include Mahek Chahal, Shonali Nagrani and Laxmi Narayan Tripathi,
though a source also informs that Shonali might opt out. Let's see if this comes true.
Celebrity publicist and Bigg Boss specialist Dale Bhagwagar, who firebrand Pooja Misrra had consulted before entering the show
and also before her second innings of 11 days as a guest, says that normally, a Wild Card Entry as a ‘CONTESTANT' is
expected to go in at least four weeks before the finale.
So it might be considered unfair by the public at large if an
ex-Housemate enters, just two weeks before the finale as a CONTESTANT, and not as a GUEST, after having been in the
luxurious outside world and witnessed everything in black and white.
"It might be perceived as being unjust towards Pooja Misrra who was allowed entry only as a guest and not as a contestant, and
punished harshly for merely a little thrust to Siddharth Bhardwaj, who made a mountain out of a push, branding it as assault and
her as violent, " says Dale Bhagwagar, who has also been labeled Pooja Misrra's ‘guerrilla publicist' in the media.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 12:55 IST