In a new twist to the porn CD scandal allegedly involving a Jammu beauty queen, a Chandigarh-based Forensic Laboratory has indicated that the pictures in it may indeed be those of Anara Gupta, contradicting a recent report of the Hyderabad Forensic Laboratory that gave a clean chit to her.
Television channels on Tuesday night claimed to have the report of the Central Forensic Laboratory, Chandigarh, that is believed to have said that there was a resemblance in terms of characteristic features of lips, eyes, nose, their respective position compared with the facial pictures of Gupta.
This finding was possible using video-frame super imposition of the woman on the compact disc (CD) when compared with the facial pictures of Gupta, one of the channels said citing the contents of the report.
The other specific features of asymmetry of nasal cavities were also matching, it claimed. Further, the other observable distinctive features like the functional position of upper eyelid with right iris, raised left eyebrow and pixel disturbance at the position of scar above the right eyebrow were also matching, it said.
On the basis of the Hyderbabad laboratory's report, the Jammu and Kashmir Police has already filed a petition seeking closure of the case against Gupta citing lack of evidence.
Gupta's lawyers had also threatened to file a defamation suit against the police seeking Rs. one crore as damages for "implicating" her in the case.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005 16:15 IST