Divyanka Tripathi who shot to fame with TV Series ‘Banoo Main Teri Dulhann', is debuting with a Rajasthani Film titled ‘Chundri Odhasi Mahro Bir' also titled as ‘Lala Hardaul' in Bundelkhandi.
She is playing a pivotal role in the film. This is the first bilingual period film of Rajasthan. The film is based on the popular folklore of Lala Hardaul.
The actress will be seen sporting traditional clothes like rich embroidered Sarees, accentuated with jewellery.
When asked about her role in the film she said, "I am very excited about my role in the film. I just love the stories of Rajputs, their rich heritage which is part of the film and I am glad to be associated with it."
The storyline revolves around an emotional sister's belief that her brother will keep his promise made years ago that he will come for ‘Bhaat' (a ritual also known as Mamera or Mayyra) knowing that he is dead.
‘Chundri Odhasi Mahro Bir' will be released in Rajasthan circuit first and ‘Lala Hardaul' will be released in CP & CI circuits in February.
Thursday, December 22, 2011 16:35 IST