Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh, who is set to launch a Legends Walk in Mumbai, a Desi version of the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame, says he has already got the handprints of as many as 25 legendary actors
of tne Hindi film industry.
"Legends Walk will be a waterfront promenade which will have the hand impressions of the legends from our film industry.
Trying to integrate technology for a better and wholesome experience at the
LegendsWalk. We already have more than 25 legends, who have given their hand impressions," Riteish wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Riteish, son of Vilasrao Deshmukh, the union minister of science and technology and a former Maharashtra chief minister, has been able to get the hand impressions of the likes of Shashi Kapoor, Manoj Kumar,
Sadhana and megastar Amitabh Bachchan.
"Thank you all for being a part of #LegendsWalk- @srbachchan sir, Jaya aunty (bachchah), Rajesh Khannaji, Dharamji, WaheedaJi, Sadhanaji, Manoj Kumarji, Vinod Khannaji, Salim (khan) uncle, Mithun Da, Shashi
Kapoor saab, Rishi Kapoor sir, @iamsrk @akshaykumar @beingSalmankhan, Jeetuji (Jeetendra), Asha Bhosaleji, Asha Parekhji. #LegendsWalk thank you guys."
"The Walk has just begun - a long distance to cover. #LegendsWalk," Riteish further posted.
Even UTV Stars has planned a similar project, named Bollywood Walk of Fame at Bandra Bandstand.
Thursday, December 22, 2011 16:39 IST