The Special Branch of Mumbai Police is compiling a dossier on film producers who employed 'item girl'
Negar Khan, who was deported earlier this week for working illegally in India.
Police sources said it was part of a larger operation against film and television producers who employ
foreigners not eligible to work in India. Negar is Norwegian and was deported Monday.
"Employers must ensure that the people they hire are legally eligible to work in the country," a police official
Under Indian laws, people coming to the country on a tourist visa are not eligible to obtain employment nor
are they allowed to sign contracts of business here.
Those hiring foreigners without these permits may also be prosecuted for employing an illegal alien, with the
offence carrying a jail term if convicted, police officials say.
Among those to be questioned include producers Raj Kaushal, Govind Mishra and Akram Shaikh who had
signed up a number of projects with Khan.
With the heat on, television serial makers and film producers have informally called up police officials for
more information on employing foreigners, according to sources.
Usually, police here issue notices asking illegally employed aliens to cease work. Deportation comes as a
last resort though police are within the law to prosecute such people, the sources said.
The crackdown follows complaints by Indian actors and models that non-resident Indians come to India on
tourist visas and pick up plum projects.
Khan was summoned before the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) and put on a flight
She had been caught up in controversies before. The bold starlet last made headlines when photographs
purporting to be those of her modelling topless for a Norwegian magazine were revealed.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005 16:17 IST