Superstar Shah Rukh Khan had a tiring few months with two of his highly anticipated films "RA.One" and "Don 2 - The King is
Back" slated for release. And now since both are out, the actor spent a relaxed Christmas with his family.
"Have slept the whole day. Trying to lose the issues of the day in the dreamworld of sleep. Don't know if that helps but feel fresh
and hungry, " Shah Rukh wrote on Twitter.
"A few meetings...workout...sit aimlessly with (son) Aryan watching him play some strange a bit...spring of
a superstar!!" he further posted.
But the actor, who has been in this industry for almost two decades, dreads the thought of being not working anyday.
"I wonder often...if I don't work...will I still feel I am living a worthwhile life??? Don't have the guts to test this hypothesis!!" he said.
However, Shah Rukh didn't lose the opportunity to extend his best wishes to his fans.
"Merry christmas my friends...this year try and drop cynicism on twitter and otherwise. Be +ve and be a little more patient with the
world. Bless you, " he wrote.
Monday, December 26, 2011 12:30 IST