Model-actress Gauahar Khan has complained that she is being stalked by a stranger in the capital's suburb Gurgaon, where she has been staying.
Since the past few days, Gauahr felt she was being followed by someone. But just when she started to ignore the feeling, she started receiving calls from a private number repeatedly, according to a source from the
crew of her UTV Bindass' show "The Khan Sisters".
"Usually celebs keep getting blank calls, but the matter went out-of-hand when the caller started making obscene comments and also kept a track about all her whereabouts throughout the day. It was getting really
scary as the caller kept claiming that he is her fan and kept a tab on all her moves. Gauahar was quite terrified thinking he is watching her at all times, " said the source.
Gauahar even approached the Fatehpur Beri police station and spoke to a senior officer, and asked him for advice.
The officer asked her to lodge a complaint. However, Gauahar said she would return to file a complaint in case the calls continued over the next few days.
"The Khan Sisters" crew member, who accompanied Gauahar, said: "The police were very cooperative and told her to call 100 for prompt police action and also promised full cooperation whenever she decides to lodge
an official complaint."
Monday, December 26, 2011 13:32 IST