Bollywood actor Vidya Balan will be seen sharing her secrets, rise to fame and life story at a special 14-part televised series Achievers' Club on Star World.
Beam Inc has flagged off its 11th edition of the Teacher's Achievement Awards with Achievers' Club.
Leading to the Teacher's Achievement Awards to be hosted in February next year, the Achiever's Club will showcase the glittery, glamorous and fabulous lives of self-made achievers of India.
The Achievers' Club is an exclusive series where India's most celebrated achievers like KP Singh, Vidya Balan, Rajeev Chandrashekhar, Naveen Jindal, Manish Arora, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and many more will share their success mantras and millionaire lifestyle with the host Vir Sanghvi.
Harish Moolchandani, CEO & Managing Director Beam India & ISC said, "With the debut of the Achievers' Club on Star World, we would like to showcase to the world the celebrated life of achievers, their lifestyle and their passions as shared with Vir Sanghvi in the series."
Each episode showcases the lifestyle of famous achievers and their homes, their passions and their celebrated life including their vacation homes, luxury cars, planes, yachts et al.
The show aims to see the real lives of the self made achievers who are the inspiration to humanity through each episode.
Thursday, December 29, 2011 11:47 IST