Child actor Darsheel Safary launched HDFC Life Spell Bee's 4th season-India Spell 2012, the Indian counterpart of Scripps Spelling Bee, USA.
The contest will test the spelling quotient of students.
Season Four has added seven new cities taking the total to 32 cities and reaching more than 3, 00, 000 students from Standards 5th to 9th across the country.
Speaking on this occasion, Darsheel said, "I have been associated with HDFC Life Spell Bee for two years now and I have learnt a lot from it. This kind of learning is very fun filled and I am really excited to witness the season four.
"Last year HDFC Life Spell Bee received a superb response and I am confident that this year it will definitely become even better. I am glad that kids like me are enjoying HDFC Life Spell Bee as much as I do and I wish all the contestants good luck."
The winner of the Grand Finale will be sent by 360 Degrees Experience, a Times Group Company in association with HDFC Life to experience Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington DC.
Thursday, December 29, 2011 11:48 IST