Namrata Shirodkar finally tied knot with Telugu actor and long-time boyfriend Mahesh Babu on Thursday morning at a Mumbai hotel. The marriage, attended only by close family members, took place at 8.30 am at a star hotel.
Present on the occasion were Mahesh Babu's sister Manjula, father Krishna along with his wife Vijay Nirmala. Conspicuous by their absence were brother Ramesh Babu and his wife. The couple flew off to Switzerland immediately after the wedding for their honeymoon.
The sudden marriage surprised film industry persons and close friends of Mahesh Babu, though speculation has been rife on the said nuptials for some time. Insiders claim that Mahesh Babu's family, especially Krishna, disapproved of the relationship. However, the presence of the actor's family on the occasion indicates that the couple now has their blessings.
Mahesh Babu met Namrata Shirodkar for the first time on the sets of Vamsee. Namrata, a former Miss India, has done a handful of Telugu films, her last release being Anji although she's better known for her movies in Bollywood.
She played the role of Aishwarya's older sister in Gurinder Chadha's Bride and Prejudice. Mahesh Babu recently bagged the Best Actor Nandi for Okkadu.
Friday, February 11, 2005 12:41 IST