Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma has revealed her best-kept winter secrets for gorgeous hair and suggested Indian women to go natural this season.
"A hot coconut oil massage works wonders as a conditioner and provides the necessary nourishment & moisture to your scalp and hair. It is recommended to oil your hair every time you wash your hair (at least thrice
a week) to regain the moisture," said Anushka.
She further said: "Use of chemicals during winters will only add to your winter troubles as they are very harsh on your hair. It is wiser to go for natural remedies to rejuvenate & deeply condition your hair.
"You can prepare a home-made hair mask like a mixture of egg and warm coconut oil, which can give your hair the deep conditioning it requires during the winters."
Anushka advised women to avoid excessive use of blow dryers/hair curlers.
"Avoid excessive use of blow dryers/hair curlers to manage your hair as they severely dry your hair. With regular hot coconut oil massage, your hair will regain the moisture and manageability for any hairstyle you
choose to flaunt in the winter, she said.
She said food and drinks have a deep impact on one's hair health.
"Drink at least eight to nine glasses of water daily to keep yourself hydrated. Eat lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, which will help build overall internal health of your hair.
"Also, protein enriched food such as milk, yoghurt, sprouts, etc. provide your hair with the essential nourishment."
Anushka said wet hair is very susceptible to breakage, therefore do not go outside with wet hair.
"Make it a point to cover your hair with a hat or scarf, especially during day time to protect against dust and other pollutants," said the actor.
Monday, January 02, 2012 15:08 IST