Actor Vindu Dara Singh, who won the third season of "Bigg Boss", has hit out at Pooja Missra and Pooja Bedi for alleging
favouritism in the ongoing season of the show.
"It has been two years since I won 'Bigg Boss' but, like every year, this year also some contestants are crying after being evicted.
Twitter is a medium that I will never get to like... some silly girls go and accuse and say anything about two of the biggest and best
people in the industry," said Vindu.
While Pooja Missra alleged favouritism for Mahek Chahal, Pooja Bedi accused Salman Khan for demoralising Akashdeep Saigal in
the house. The grand finale of "Bigg Boss 5" will be telecast Saturday.
"The show is the best and it takes out the worst in contestants along with their best. Wish the two Poojas forget 'Bigg Boss 5' and
move ahead because whosoever is advising them to do this kind of publicity, is leading them on to the wrong path. Even today
there is no clear winner and let's see who does win this crazy session," he added.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012 15:49 IST