Earlier in the year superstar Akshay Kumar displayed his staunch support of the green agenda by reprimanding a litterbug for
throwing a cigarette pack & setting a sound example.
And the New Year seems to be no different what with Akshay continuing his cleanliness drive. This time in the wee hours of
morning, 5 am to be precise, the actor ventured out for a romantic walk on Juhu beach when he came across a man taking a
Akshay posted on his Twitter page 'There's literally nothing more disturbing in life than when u take ur wife for a stroll on the beach
at 5 in da mornin & some guy who cant be bothered to walk to his own washing facilities decides to take a dump right on Juhu's
finest beach.
Poor guy got a shock of his life when my dog's stick met his rear end. I mean we'd all like to do our morning rituals in the
moonlight with da waves lapping our back sides & the wind between our cheeks wouldn't we? But it just isn't done.
know many of u may have problems with this & many of u may laugh, but i had no choice than to make him pick it up with his
hands & take it to it's rightful dumping ground, & he honestly did so with nothing but regret on his face, so i ended up buying him
breakfast.... '
He further went onto say 'Juhu Beach is famous for being one of Mumbai's cleanest beaches, if everyone thought they could take a
dump there, we would all be walking around knee deep in CRAP! I actually think the guy is as sorry for doing what he did as i am
for making him remove it :)
Moral of the story, 'Keep ur 'S*%t to yourself :)' Happy New Clean Year Everyone!'
All we can say is, 'Kudos Akki' Salute to your eco -friendly thoughts, and actions which are always louder than words!'
Friday, January 06, 2012 12:56 IST