Bollywood's dusky diva Bipasha Basu turned 33 on Saturday, a day after her latest released film 'Players' hit the theatres.
Bipasha tweeted to her fans: "OMG Am so Blessed!Thank u all fr d warmest sweetest n d most amazing Bday wishes! This Bday
has been really special! Love u all!"
2012 is going to be quite interesting for the glamour icon of Bollywood as her first international project, "Singularity", is scheduled
to release this year.
She will also be seen in other big projects of the year-'Race 2' and 'Raaz 3D'.
Interestingly, she was a part of both 'Raaz' and 'Race'.
In fact, it was the horror-flick Raaz that had helped her in establishing herself in the world of B-town.
She will be seen romancing Madhavan in "'Jodi Breakers', that is scheduled to hit the silver screen on Feb 24.
Monday, January 09, 2012 12:18 IST