Bollywood actor Anupam Kher promoted his self-authored book "The Best Thing About You is You" at Starmark in the South City
Mall in Kolkata on Friday.
Playing a new role for the first time in his life, the actor, who has "a tag of 450 films", has penned down a fifty chapter saga through
which he aims to subtly motivate and invigorate the readers by using examples from his own life.
"This book is not about my life but I have used experiences from my life to show that if inside everyone a weak man lives then along
with him a courageous and powerful personality also rests within us, " Kher remarked.
He gave the audience gathered at the promotional event a taste of his philosophy by saying, "Life is always trying to make you feel
small and so you want to become like someone else but doing so also means that you don't like your own life and if you don't like
yourself who else will like you?"
Kher used his own real life example to reiterate his notion that "Kuch Bhi Ho Sakta Hei" (anything is possible) if a person believes
in himself.
"I came to Mumbai with only 37 rupees in my pocket. So years later when I lost 15 lac rupees because of a bad phase, I thought
that for a person who began with just 37 rupees even the remaining amount of Rs. 35 lac is a big deal. I now know that my greatest
strength is me myself, " he said.
Upon query Kher revealed that he had dedicated his book to his grandfather who was his biggest inspiration in life.
He said, "My grandfather used to say that if a person is honest with himself then he has nothing to fear and I have dedicated this
book to him because I have always believed that in all these years."
Kher insisted that he did not wish celebrities to promote his book rather he chose to invite the entire Kashmiri Ranji team to do the
"You must admire the people from Kashmir who face a lot of strife each day and still to make their dreams come true from that
state is a big achievement in itself, " he said.
Kher upon query said that he loves visiting Kolkata as it is a city of people he loves and he has great expectations from the readers
in this city as "people in Kolkata have always admired good original work."
In response to the question of his reaction regarding the performance of his book Kher said, "I was very happy to know that my
book is doing well and that it is already on the bestseller charts but the greatest appreciation I can get is from the people. If
somebody's life changes because of my book then that is my greatest achievement."
Monday, January 16, 2012 11:12 IST