Film actress Amisha Patel has issued a public statement informing that her parents do not hold power of
attorneys on her behalf and that anyone dealing with them would be doing so at his/her own risk.
The actress issued a public notice in a newspaper yesterday through her lawyer Vibhav Krishna of Messrs
Juris Consillis claiming that she had not given any power of attorney, authority or authorisation to her father
Amit Patel, mother Asha Patel or brother Ashmit Patel either singly or jointly.
She further claimed that any such authority that may be shown by her family to the members of public was
false, bogus and fabricated and stands cancelled, terminated and withdrawn.
The notice cautioned the public from any dealings on the behalf of the actress by her parents and brother
on the basis of such power of attorney, authorisation or papers purportedly signed by her.
Amisha clarified that she was in no way connected with any dealings made on her behalf by her parents
and brother.
Earlier, the actress had served a legal notice on her parents and brother asking them to hand over her
money retained by them illegally and unlawfully.
She had in the legal notice alleged that despite her repeated requests, they were not returning her money
and had misappropriated it and used for their own purpose.
For the last couple of years, the relationship between the actress and her family has turned sour over this
issue, sources close to the actress said.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 15:03 IST