The Jammu and Kashmir police have sent two fresh CDs containing pornographic clippings allegedly
featuring former beauty queen of Jammu and Kashmir Anara Gupta to a laboratory in Gandhinagar of
Gujarat for re-examination.
This was done in the wake of conflicting reports on the CDs from the forensic science laboratories in
Hyderabad and Chandigarh, top police sources tell.
The Hyderabad FSL's report said the woman in the CD was not Anara Gupta, but the Chandigarh lab's
report contradicted it, saying the woman had features similar to that of Anara Gupta.
Meanwhile, in a related development, advocate Sheikh Shakeil filed an intervention application in the
Srinagar chief judicial magistrate Sanjeev Gupta's court on Tuesday against the closure report filed by the
Crime Branch in the case.
In the application, filed on behalf of Shiv Sena activist Amit Chouhan, it was stated that the case could not
be closed without considering the Chandigarh FSL's report.
Admitting the application, the CJM posted to February 19 the hearing of this case.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 16:27 IST