Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma is gearing up to set the stage on fire with three popular telly actors -- Nandish Sandhu, Sushant Singh Rajput and Shabbir Ahluwalia at the seventh edition of Chevrolet Apsara
The "Band Baaja Baaraat" actress will perform a bit of hip-hop dance as well as entertain the audience with some Maharashtrian folk style dance lezim on stage.
She will also share the stage with the three TV actors. While she will groove to "Dum dum" with Nandish, Anushka will be matching the steps with Sushant on "Thag le" and Shabbir on "Jazba".
There's more to the performances. Soon-to-be married couple Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D'Souza are said to bring their real-life love story alive on stage while performing at the award function Jan 25 in Yash Raj
Studios. They are likely to emulate the story of their eight-year-old romantic journey.
The show will be hosted by Karan Johar and Farah Khan.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:24 IST